Give Your Turf an All-Natural Advantage.
As a revolutionary bio-charged plant-optimizing technology, CarbonPro makes your current agronomic program work harder than ever before. Available in granular or liquid form, it’s engineered to help you establish and maintain the healthiest turf possible and maximize the availability of water and nutrients.

As a granular formulation that can be easily applied using any standard LESCO spreader, CarbonPro–G delivers benefits directly to the soil.
Download the CarbonPro–G Spec Sheet
CarbonPro–L with MobilEX
This tank-mixable liquid can be added to most non-pesticide liquid applications, penetrating soil and leaves to deliver even more plant-optimizing power.
Download the CarbonPro–L Spec Sheet
See The Results
Deeper, Stronger Roots
CarbonPro–L dramatically increased root and shoot growth in rye grass over a three-week period in greenhouse slant tube tests.
Increased Nutrient Uptake and Efficiency
CarbonPro–L nearly doubled the absorption rate of key micronutrients* and macronutrients in tall fescue when used with fertilizer.

Reduced Water Requirements
With a porous, bio-charged carbon structure, CarbonPro–G increases the percentage of water retained in the treated soil ten times longer than USCC Compost, Naked Biochar, and Hydromulch 70/30.
Product Details
Guaranteed Analysis
- Iron (Fe) … 0.75%
- 0.75% Chelated Iron (Fe) Derived From Iron EDTA
How to Apply CarbonPro–G
- 40-lb. bag (50 bags/pallet)
- Formulation can be spread using any standard LESCO spreader (no specialty agitator required)
- 10-lb. / M* Initial Application
- 5-lb. / M* Maintenance Application
How to Apply CarbonPro–L
- 1 gal. (4x1)
- 2.5 gal. (2x2.5)
- 30 gal.
- 275 gal. available upon request
Residential Turf and Landscape Plantings, Golf Course Greens, Tees and Fairways Application
- Two (2) oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. followed by one (1) oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. per month or every time fertilizer is applied.
- Hydroseeding: Two (2) oz. per 1,000 sq. ft.
Athletic Fields Application
- Two (2) oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. (2¾ qts. per acre) every time fertilizer is applied.
Nurseries Application
- Foliar Initial: 42 oz. per 100 gallons of water.
- Drench Initial: 21 oz. per 100 gallons of water.
- Maintenance (every 3-4 weeks): 21 oz. per 100 gallons of water.
The product is efficacious up to two years from date stamped on label.
To learn more about LESCO CarbonPro, visit your nearest SiteOne branch.
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